James 2:8-13 Law, Judgement and Mercy
In this passage, James calls us to live righteous lives, lives that look righteous and lives that are filled with the righteousness of mercy. He writes
James 2
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In this passage, James calls us to live righteous lives, lives that look righteous and lives that are filled with the righteousness of mercy. He writes
James 2
Posted by
Bill Versteeg
4:49 PM
As we have found in the past, there is some focused attention that is appropriate, like the attention that parents focus on their children or that God focuses on his children. But there is another kind of attention that is lethal. James describes it...
James 2
Posted by
Bill Versteeg
4:47 PM
James pictures Mother Theresa in these words...
Posted by
Bill Versteeg
4:45 PM
When it comes to community, we sometimes fail to use some of the best tools God has given us for building community! James talks about listening, speaking and anger. With James we will explore this truths as we look at the following passages...
James 1
19 My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, 20 for man’s anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires. 21 Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you.
Posted by
Bill Versteeg
4:43 PM
I think this stands as the greatest miracle in all of creation. In a sense, even the resurrection from the dead pales in comparison for the resurrection is only undoing what we have done. The incarnation however is combining the creator and the creature, the divine and what he made. This is a miracle above miracles. On this Christmas morning we will put this miracle into that perspective.
Posted by
Bill Versteeg
9:52 AM
A virgin was promised a child.
In contrast to Isaiah's prophecy, this one is filled with life and hope and the atmosphere of judgment is pushed away by the brilliance of this promise.
In our series of miracles, we have discovered that does these things so that people will pay attention to what he is doing. This is true for advent also.
Posted by
Bill Versteeg
9:48 AM
The promise of and the birth of John the Baptist was a shocker to those who knew of it. Israel, who had just gone through some 430 years of the absence of God should have taken not. This first Sermon in Advent will look at how God grabs our attention if he can get it no other way. The scripture passages follow:
Posted by
Bill Versteeg
9:43 AM
Isaiah's prophecy concerning a virgin giving birth happens in a passage filled with judgment to unbelieving King Ahaz. How are we to understanding this prophecy regarding the impossible?
Posted by
Bill Versteeg
3:30 PM
Today is Reformation Sunday. We remember how God used people like Martin Luther to renew our confidence in God's character and God's grace over against our character and works. As Luther returned to the Word of God, he went through an intense struggle to rediscover this Grace that God offers.. This sermon will focus on that struggle. Our scripture passage is
Psalm 119:18
“Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law.”
What has a return to the Word done to you in your life?
Have you struggled with being "righteous enough for God?" How, why, when....
Posted by
Bill Versteeg
2:47 PM
It has been said
It takes faith to see a miracle.
It has also been said
There is nothing like a miracle to create faith.
The truth is, we are surrounded by miracles. By faith we see them. By faith, we acknowledge that creation was made out of nothing says Hebrews. What a miracle! The scripture passage we will look at is from Luke 11:14-36...
Posted by
Bill Versteeg
12:17 PM
Paul acknowledged that his sermons were weak. I wonder how we would react to hearing Romans preached to us in a two hour monologue. He had people falling out of windows because his sermons put them to sleep. But for all its weakness, the power (dynamite) of God's Spirit accompanied Paul's weak preaching to produce demonstrations of God's saving power. In 1 Corinthians 2:1-5 we read
Posted by
Bill Versteeg
10:57 AM
Posted by
Bill Versteeg
4:31 PM
Posted by
Bill Versteeg
3:59 PM